Thursday, October 1, 2009

With Arms Wide Open

Back in the late 1990's and early 2000's a cultural phenomenon swept the country. This phenomenon was known simply as Creed. Creed pumped out three straight albums that went multi-platinum proving that they were not just some flash in the pan. Then in 2004, the band quickly and abruptly broke up amongst rumors of personal issues between band members and the well documented alcoholism of lead singer Scott Stapp. Stapp had become widely hated by just about everyone for the alter ego his drinking problems produced, and that is where Creed backlash began. Everyone realized that Scott Stapp was a tool, and everyone started to hate the music he sang because of it. Well in reality, sober Scott Stapp was not a bad guy, even according to his bandmates who like everyone else, didn't care much for the drunken antics of their frontman. Creed collapsed almost as fast as Stapp's personal life and everyone who had loved the band so much (over 30 million albums sold) now hated them and their music just as much. Creed became the punchline to every joke about bad music, and everyone just pretended as if they never liked them. Basically Creed was Nickleback before Nickleback was Nickleback. But there is a big difference between Creed and Nickleback that most people fail to notice; Creed, unlike Nickleback, does not suck (sorry Ashley!). If you don't believe me, just check out VH1's top 100 hard rock songs of all time. You will find "Higher" checking in at number 95 on a list compiled just last year, and I contest it would be much higher (no pun intended) on the list if not for the outpouring of hatred that has followed Creed the last several years.

I bring all of this up for a good reason. I have to admit that I loved Creed just like everyone else, and when the tide turned against them, I am ashamed to admit that I drank the haterade just like the rest of the world. However, while sitting in my friends basement (Buske shout out!) watching tv, we stumbled across the aforementioned VH1 top 100 hard rock songs countdown and I had my eyes reopened to the greatness of Creed. As the beautiful driving guitar melody of Creed's most famous song blasted through the tv's speakers I was taken back to a much happier time . . . A time when people loved Creed. Since that day in the basement, I have made it my own personal little mini mission to reaquaint people with Creed. I put some Creed on my summer CD for my car so that everyone who rode with me had to deal with the fact that at one point in their lives, Creed absolutely rocked their faces off.

My journey back to loving Creed is coming to a very important moment next Wednesday. I will be attending my very first Creed concert, and I could not be more excited about it. Judge me if you will, but just put aside your prejudices and listen to the music again, just listen to them one more time and see how you feel. I think you will find yourself once again embracing Creed, with arms wide open.


Amber said...

But the real question is, are they a Christian band?

Coogiebear said...

I meant to comment on this yesterday...

Creed is nothing like Nickelback. That's all I have to say.

(Nickelback is better, I would think that goes without speaking.)

P.S. How is my lovely cd coming? :)

Roger Wulff said...

Dude I must be lame. I never stoped listening to them.
I do like the blog. I'll be checking in.