Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to School Special

I know I have been away for a while, and I apologize. School recently started back up for me (yesterday) and so that involved moving back into the dorms, getting my financial aid situation taken care of and all of that wonderful stuff.

Anyway, Monday I moved back in and found myself rather excited to do so. I figured out that I love college, at least the lifestyle part of it. Living with a few of your close friends, doing random, stupid things, and developing terribly unhealthy sleep patterns, what could be better right? The problem is, you can't live the college lifestyle, without actually having to endure the school part. If I could just live in the dorms and hang out with my friends and play basketball, I'd be thrilled to death. But this pesky little thing called class keeps popping up, and if thats not bad enough it comes along with its buddy homework to ruin the party.

Now I've only had three classes so far in my two days since school started, and I haven't had to do or turn in any home work yet, but I know its coming. I know its coming to ruin my late night hangouts and runs to Taco Bell. Is it too much to ask to be able to go to college without having to go to school?

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