Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ear Wax

I had a dream last night that a giant piece of ear wax fell out of my ear, and then when I woke up this morning . . . a giant piece of ear wax fell out of my ear. I'm not even kidding.


raj said...

dude, you've got like a seventh sense! apparently you skipped number six, which let's you see dead people, but that's probably a good thing.

Amber said...

Perhaps you could use that seventh sense for something a little more productive next time... :)

Bahil said...

wow. maybe your the anti-christ, because I'm pretty sure thats something an anti-christ might do. You been spending anytime with Ronald Reagan?

aziner said...

umm gross. at least your next dream wasn't about eating something . . .

hey, why no link love for me?

raj said...

you've gotta link him first. that's the way he rolls.

actually, I control the links, but that's his rule. update your link for him, and I'll get it done.

aziner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aziner said...

I updated it prior to posting that comment, so :P

Anonymous said...

And that, my friend, is the reason why I clean my ears everyday. I had wax fall out of my ear once and I had goosebumps for an hour. Gross. Gross. Grossssss.