Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its Spelled With a K

What you are about to read has only been told to a very select few people who I believed would be able to still look at me as if I was sane after having heard this. It has become clear to me that I probably am crazy so I might as well tell everyone.

A few months ago I had a dream about an amazing girl. This dream was completely pure and innocent in nature. It took me through several dates with this girl where we went to dinner, interacted with each other, and just in general enjoyed each other's company. She was beautiful and funny and intelligent, and quite literally the girl of my dreams. Her name was Nikole, very specifically spelled with a "k". When I woke up I realized that I did not actually know this girl in real life which was, as you can imagine, very disappointing to me. The next day after telling my best friend about this dream, I decided to try something a little strange. I entered the name "Nikole" and searched all of facebook for this girl I'd only met in my subconcious. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in finding a girl who matched the name and face of the girl from my dream.

I had pretty much let the situation go when about a month later I was a groomsmen in a wedding, and while at the reception I saw a girl who looked eerily familiar, but I had no idea from where. She was beautiful, so I introduced myself and she said, "Hi, my name is Nicole," and that's when it hit me. She was the girl from my dream. This girl who I believed my imagination had just created out of thin air was standing right in front of me. I was completely blown away. I didn't know what to do. The rest of the reception continued with little of note occurring, but the next day I told my best friend that I met the girl from my dream. I had found out that it was not spelled with a "k" but her name was Nicole and they looked just like each other, so I figured it had to be her.

This is where everything got a little weird, as if it wasn't already. A little while after the wedding reception, I had another dream with Nikole in it, but this one was not joyful at all. Nikole was basically yelling at me the entire time, chewing me out for thinking that Nicole from the wedding was her. "Its spelled with a 'k' you idiot!" She screamed. She was rather unhappy that I had overlooked this rather important quality about her name just because I met a girl who looked like her and almost had the same name. I have no idea what this all means but I just thought it was interesting. You may now continue your lives normally.


aziner said...

maybe it's about not settling for close but not quite or almost. maybe it's about holding out for just right.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha. haha. haaa.

Unknown said...

Actually it is spelled with a chelsea :) Love you honey so glad you didn't marry Nicole but ME!!!