Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yellow Car

Sometime last spring my friends and I started playing this game called "Yellow Car." This is a very simple game. Basically while you are on the road, anytime you see a yellow car, you announce it to whoever you are with. Whoever sees the most yellow cars wins. There is a twist however. If you see a yellow hummer and announce it, you win the game, end of story. Not a real brilliant game but it can be fun, especially on long road trips.

I had a dream the other night about this game. I don't remember the specific details but I was with my siblings, who began playing the game with me while we were in California for my brother's wedding. As we were driving along in my dream, I spotted for yellow hummers parked next to each other. I quickly yelled "Yellow hummer! Yellow hummer! Yellow hummer! Yellow hummer!" as to ensure I was credited with all for vehicles. Before I knew it I had been crowned by some outside force as the all-time worldwide winner of the game "Yellow Car." And that was the end of my dream.

These are the things that happen in my head.


Bahil said...

Once I got to the "Yellow Hummer!" portion of the post, I assumed a joke about fellatio being performed by asians was inevitable. I applaud you for being the bigger man.

Anonymous said...

I'm beating Raj, by, like, 150. Don't mind the fact he's out of the country.